Monday, February 21, 2011

Simply Trusting

This year at college I have heard a lot about Christians and trials. I have heard it before, but it has really gotten to me this year. I had a feeling I would be facing a trial sooner or later, but in the meantime I carried on with life.
The time has come for a trial in life. Without going into much detail, this particular trial brought me to tears when I first heard about it. As I was crying about my problem, I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do except pray. The amazing thing is that prayer is the best thing to do. Why should I carry this burden? God knew a long time ago I would be going through this and He already knows the resolution. In fact, only 3 days after the situation arose, solutions and possibilities have arisen.
I could spend my time worrying and fretting over this, but that would be silly. Sure it is a whole lot easier said than done, but I cannot think of one time when my Heavenly Father failed me before. So today I will wear a smile on my face, accomplish what needs to be accomplished, and let God take care of the rest. Besides this tid bit of bad news, I had a lovely weekend, so I will praise God for it all. He is so good!

"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23


  1. I definitely agree with this Meghan. This last year for me has been a bit of a hard one and I've had a lot of things I've had to work through. But the only person that has always been there for me has been God, and I have no idea what I'd have done without him!

    Thanks for sharing.

    P.S. I'm 3blindmice :)

  2. Later this year I am going to the Philippines to do some Mission Work. I hope to be blogging my experiences while I'm out there with photos etc. Would you be interested in following it?

  3. Hey Lisa, I just started following you. I will also be keeping you in prayer as you serve the Lord in the Philippines. Blessings!
