Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Well life just threw a curve ball. I thought I had my life figured out for the time being. Teach at pre-school, work at K-Mart, do whatever else I can on days off. It sounded lovely, but as soon as I began teaching I fell in love. I mean I really really love being a teacher. It has been a great experience so far, and I love my students and coworkers. The problem is, I loved it so much that motivation to get myself to K-Mart was becoming a problem. However, it was where God had me, so I was determined to make the best of it.
   The problem was I did not have enough time to be the kind of teacher I wanted to be. Some nights I worked until 10, then I was exhausted the next day. It also limited the time I had to work on my lessons, and I was experiencing little family time for support. Mind you, it wasn't horrible or anything. Many people deal with much much worse. I still began thinking about other avenues to travel. My heart's desire was to just be a teacher, and I am not ready to give up my Pre-K class. The only other option was to find another part time teaching related job.
    A couple months ago, I was approached about applying to work at Sylvan Learning Centers. I pushed it to the back of my mind because I was overwhelmed with so many other new changes in life. I didn't want to consider another one. Well as I would weighing my current options, I remembered this suggestion. Literally on a whim very late last Friday night, I applied to the center. Mind you, the website said no available positions. This was my version of "Let's see what happens in a few months."
     Haha, that was a funny thought looking back. You see, to make a long story short, I was hired 3 days later. I have already given notice to K-Mart, and I start on Monday. In 3 days, God allowed me to become just a teacher as my occupation. I still have some struggles to work through, but God is so good.
     It leads me to wonder why He provided the job at K-Mart for such a short time if this was His plan. I was reminded what my host mom in the family I stayed with last spring said. "God never wastes an experience, there is a purpose even if we don't see it." I may not have quoted her exactly right, but that was the jist. I believe this to be true. I was able to meet some people which I believe will help me in this experience. I also hope by remaining in contact, I can be a light for Christ to my new friends. I also earned some extra money in the meantime to get on top of my bills. These last 3 months have not been wasted experience at all.
     Well here I am taking a crazy turn in life, but I am so excited! I look forward to all the ways God will change my life as I embark on my career as an educator. Right now I get the best of all worlds, different aged students, private school, public school, etc. Can't beat that!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Life After Graduation

It is crazy to think that this momentous day in my life happened over 3 months ago. Actually if we are being technical  we are getting rather close to the 5 month mark. Honestly, I believe I have accepted that I am a college graduate, and I really am happy to be one. I still wish I could be teaching full time, but I am in a good place right now. I look forward to seeing what God is going to do in my life. So far, it has been an amazing ride!
   With that being said, it is a tad strange to still be at home. Now that my mom has gone back to her teaching job and the weather is changing, I know school has begun. Some days I think I should be headed to class or attending my church down in West Virginia, but alas, here at home sweet home I remain. Some days it seems strange to be home in the middle of the day with my brothers (when Matt doesn't have class) while our mom is the one at school. I'm getting used to it though. I love the fact that I own a car now, and I always have the option of going places on the weekend. I might be a little busier than I would like to be right now, but overall it is a great thing.

Here is a list of things that I am excited about after missing the last 4 years:
1. Fair Season!!!!!! I am so pumped about this. I have not been to a community fair since fall of 2007. I cannot wait for the taste of funnel cakes, face paint, arena lights, farm smells and the chill of fall in the air. I am looking forward to seeing another local rodeo, and hopefully I will still know some people participating so I can cheer them on. Not only will I make my return to the West Lampeter Fair, but I will also be representing my preschool at the Solanco Fair. It starts this week and it is going to be awesome. I believe I might have a chance to visit some fairs I have never been to before. I might as well make up for lost time.

2. Kids4Truth: My church started a children's program while I was gone. I enjoyed participating in the AWANA Cubbie program for 2 awesome years, and let me say I miss that group like crazy. However, I am looking forward to a ministry opportunity to teach 1st and 2nd graders as I learn about this program. I know many in my church have prayed for me faithfully, so I am looking forward to these opportunities to serve in my home church.

3. Owning a Car: It took a long time to buy a car. It has added expenses, so it isn't all sunshine and roses. However, it provides a little more independence, and I am enjoying the opportunity to work even if my situation doesn't always feel ideal. It is all blessings from God.

4. Living with my mom: Let me be clear - I seek independence, and I hope that I can move out on my own sooner rather than later. However, living close  with my mom has provided a blessing. She has many old resources that I can use in my preschool classroom. I am also enjoying looking at her projects and hearing the daily stories I missed when I was at college. Family time in general has been awesome.

5. My own classroom: Student teaching was probably one of the best times of my life. Though I loved it, I have found running my own classroom is awesome. I don't have to worry about grading deadlines, filling all my requirements for my student teaching notebook, not stepping on the toes of a host teacher or wondering if I should use my ideas. I just run with what I come with and what works best with my students. It's awesome!

6. Family & Friends: This year I get to join my family's annual trip to Hershey Park, I attend C4 with my friends, and some other things I enjoy to do with my friends that got put on the back burner while I was a college student.

There are several other things I could say about this phase of life. Again, I am busy with both jobs, there are financial responsibilities, so I really am getting a dose of reality. Still, I am enjoying reliving some of these long lost experiences and making new memories. I am also getting better about trying new things and becoming a little more outgoing. Another exciting happening in life is losing 27.5 lbs and dropping a pant size. Now that I am not on a meal plan, it is easier to stick to a diet. Life is good...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lessons Learned...err Learning

I cannot tell you the amount of times I have heard people say that nothing in their studies truly prepared them for how life actually is in their real life profession. I think I now have a better idea of what they mean. My years at ABC have provided me with excellent tools to use in my new adventure as a PreK teacher, but I know I still have much to learn outside of the classroom.
This first week I have learned......
1. Know your dismissal procedure before the first day of school dismissal ;-)
2. Time really does fly when you're having fun
3. Chocolate cupcakes and glitter are really messy
4. With younger students you should probably teach them how to cut and paste before you have them do an activity which requires cutting and pasting
5. Preschoolers need an activity to go along with the power point presentation you thought was awesome

As I said still much to learn, but it has been a great growing experience. I really just needed this week to begin working out the kinks, and I believe each week will run a little smoother. Flexibility is key, and that was a lesson I learned at ABC. PreK is certainly different from 5th grade, but I think I am just enjoying the experience of being THE teacher and learning how to go with the flow. The great thing about preschool is the flexibility it allows to go with what the children respond to and need rather than glued to a specific curriculum. So here's to week 2 and the rest of the year. Most of all, here's to living and learning and doing better.

"Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better is best."

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Wow! These last few weeks have been cra-raze-zie! I have gone through many ups and downs struggling with uncertainty of whether I am where God wants me. Despite the bad days, my heavenly Father really does know best and continues to guide me through each step of the way.
   First of all, I have a part time at my local K-Mart. This really isn't what I pictured myself doing with a 4 year college degree, but it provides for some of my financial needs. The job is not extremely stressful though I do have the bad days where I feel like I could quit. The truth is, this job was a gift from the Lord. I have many opportunities to work with the lost, and I pray that they see Christ in me. I do not know how long I will be there, but I am thankful for work and opportunities to be a light in a dark place. I was also able to find some exciting tools for my other job.
      My other job is a Pre-K (4&5yrs) at a nursery school around my area. The director is new to the school this year, so I won't start until next week. With a slower start, I have felt stressed out over the things I don't know. Lately I feel unqualified to be a teacher. However, after a successful open house today, I feel like the Lord restored my confidence. The director is so supportive, and today she reassured of me of my ideas. I know I have lots of growing to do, but it seems like we are all of to a good start. Looking forward to more stretching in this new experience.
       I am also looking forward opportunities to serve in my church. I am serving as a 1st and 2nd grade teacher in our Wednesday night children's program. It just feels strange to know that I would be at college, but alas, I am here at home doing all sorts of new things. The Lord even provided a vehicle to help me get around. So much new and sometimes overwhelming, but honestly I would not trade a thing. Well if I could teach full time and not work at K-Mart, I wouldn't complain, but even so, God is good. Here's to more stretching.