Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Call

  So my amazing and talented friend affectionately known as Sarai made this video about our favorite tv show Merlin.
A few weeks ago, Sarai, our friend Emily and I watched the epic (and oh so very sad) end to this series. That is actually not the point of this post though, well not completely anyway. It's really the song that has inspired the ramblings about to take place here.
   So roughly a year ago I found myself in a great panic  with a great mixture of emotions. It was the day I head back for my final semester of college which meant student teaching. I remember freaking out in the car as my little brother dropped me off for the last leg of my trip. I had those ridiculous feelings of how the last 3.5 years had been a mistake and maybe I should just leave it all behind. By God's grace I pulled myself together and headed off for an incredible journey.
    I remember feeling quite anxious as I returned to the familiar college campus that had become a second home to me, walking to my first orientation classes for student teaching and savoring every "this is the last time I am going to....for a while" moments. Looking back, I don't remember why I was so worked up, but new experiences and great change seem to do that.
    Then the Lord showed me Romans 8:28 - "And we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose."
       This verse really changed my perspective on everything. That day I received reassurance from my professor about things I was going to face, the Lord really took care of my finances  and living and transportation issues were soon worked out. Another struggle was parting ways with the people I came to know and love in my college community (and church). Then I remembered the experience of these same feelings when I left for college in the first place. What a reminder that anything I was about to face would work out.
      This is where my little epic Merlin video comes into play. The Lord had given me a call and what a journey it was. Student teaching changed my life in many ways, and I am so thankful for the great adventure it was. Of course there were no griffins to defeat, unicorns to save or poisoned chalices - I didn't end up in jail, on a deathbed, lost in a forest or anything like that. However, I would argue I figuratively did just that. I experienced the joys of seeing a student's face light up when they got an answer, while on the other hand I tried to maintain a good face teaching while the reality of my grandfather's death set in. Many different things happened in student teaching, and I met so many amazing people. Lately I have been going through different journals and such I kept of this adventure. So thankful to have these recorded memories and remember how sweet this time of life was.
      Now I am experiencing life as a teacher. I love my jobs, and what a joy to work with children each and every day. It never ceases to amaze me how many things happen in a day that remind me of my time spent with those 25 students last winter. They may not have been my every own class, but they will forever hold a special place in my heart as my first school students. I feel truly blessed to have this calling in life, and even more grateful that God's grace gave me the strength to overcome my anxiety and face this experience head on. It was a once in a life time experience expressed my so many emotions.
    Emily, if you are reading this, you are in for a real treat this semester. I cannot wait to hear about your experiences as you answer your call and face your destiny. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I've seen your call in action Meghan and I'm so glad God has given it to you. Besides while not all of us can battle saxsons or defeat evil sorcerers, not everyone can deal with children. You have that gift :) I'm so excited to watch you continue on in life and watch God's destiny for you unfold.
    Love you friend!
