Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Well life just threw a curve ball. I thought I had my life figured out for the time being. Teach at pre-school, work at K-Mart, do whatever else I can on days off. It sounded lovely, but as soon as I began teaching I fell in love. I mean I really really love being a teacher. It has been a great experience so far, and I love my students and coworkers. The problem is, I loved it so much that motivation to get myself to K-Mart was becoming a problem. However, it was where God had me, so I was determined to make the best of it.
   The problem was I did not have enough time to be the kind of teacher I wanted to be. Some nights I worked until 10, then I was exhausted the next day. It also limited the time I had to work on my lessons, and I was experiencing little family time for support. Mind you, it wasn't horrible or anything. Many people deal with much much worse. I still began thinking about other avenues to travel. My heart's desire was to just be a teacher, and I am not ready to give up my Pre-K class. The only other option was to find another part time teaching related job.
    A couple months ago, I was approached about applying to work at Sylvan Learning Centers. I pushed it to the back of my mind because I was overwhelmed with so many other new changes in life. I didn't want to consider another one. Well as I would weighing my current options, I remembered this suggestion. Literally on a whim very late last Friday night, I applied to the center. Mind you, the website said no available positions. This was my version of "Let's see what happens in a few months."
     Haha, that was a funny thought looking back. You see, to make a long story short, I was hired 3 days later. I have already given notice to K-Mart, and I start on Monday. In 3 days, God allowed me to become just a teacher as my occupation. I still have some struggles to work through, but God is so good.
     It leads me to wonder why He provided the job at K-Mart for such a short time if this was His plan. I was reminded what my host mom in the family I stayed with last spring said. "God never wastes an experience, there is a purpose even if we don't see it." I may not have quoted her exactly right, but that was the jist. I believe this to be true. I was able to meet some people which I believe will help me in this experience. I also hope by remaining in contact, I can be a light for Christ to my new friends. I also earned some extra money in the meantime to get on top of my bills. These last 3 months have not been wasted experience at all.
     Well here I am taking a crazy turn in life, but I am so excited! I look forward to all the ways God will change my life as I embark on my career as an educator. Right now I get the best of all worlds, different aged students, private school, public school, etc. Can't beat that!

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