Friday, May 9, 2014

The 2014 Liebster Award

So the other day I noticed that my friend, Sarai, posted on Facebook that she had been nominated for the 2014 Liebster Award in regards to her blog. I remember thinking I have absolutely no idea what that is, but that sounds really neat. If you have spent any time at all on Sarai's blog, you know that she is a beautiful and insightful writer. Her love for the Lord pours out through her eloquent words as it relates to her various life experiences. In my mind, no matter what the award was, she deserved it.
Upon further investigation I discovered it is a pay it forward type award. Bloggers nominate other bloggers for the award. So here I am with a nomination of my own from the lovely Sarai of Sarah's Saga herself. Sarai has been a friend of mine for close to a decade now. However, we have become extremely close over my college years. Whether we are stressing out about college and life on fangirling over our favorite British actors and BBC shows, we have a wonderful time. This girl loves the Lord with her whole heart, and she has been a constant encouragement in my life. So thank you, Sarai, for this chance!

Here are the rules of the Liebster Blog Award!
  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer 11 questions posted by your presenter.
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award (and have a smaller following).
  • Ask your nominees to answer 11 questions.

Here are my 11 Random Facts About Myself:
  1. I don't like when people ask me what my favorite______ is. My mood determines what my favorite whatever is, so my answers change all the time. I can be very indecisive because of this.
  2. I have ridden an elephant before.
  3. If I could be a high school teacher, I would want to teach history/social studies. I love history!
  4. After living in West Virginia for 4 years, I say Ap-puh-latch-in not A-pa-lai-shin. I was won over when someone from down south gave me the Lancaster vs Lan-caster argument and told me if he had to learn how to say Lancaster right, I had to learn how to say Appalachian .
  5. I always thought I would go to Clearwater Christian College or Marantha Baptist Bible College, but when senior year came around I ended up applying to and getting accepted by 2 schools - Asbury College and Appalachian Bible College (my mom's and my dad's colleges respectively). For you advertisers out there - alumni mail does indeed work!
  6. I am not a fan of heights. If it is old and creaky and high off the ground, my legs turn into jello.
  7. I love goats. I think they are the cutest creatures in all of God's Creation!
  8. I really miss the loft I lived in when I did my student teaching. It was awesome!
  9. I miss doing old school research reports where you go to the library and read a ton of books about a person or event from history. I still do research online, but it is not the same as my elementary research reports. I love those assignments, and the one thing I miss about not graduating from CBCS was getting to do a Civil War report.
  10. I always have to cut my finger nails short. I hate the way nails feel on certain textures.
  11. If I ever teach overseas, Romania is at the top of my list. 
Sarai's 11 Questions for Me:
  1. What is your definition of a perfect day? A perfect day would be sunny and moderately warm so it could be mostly spent outside. The best days are those spent doing something exciting with close friends and/or family. I can't narrow it down to one particular event, but those are usually my best days.
  2. What would you consider the main inspiration behind your blog? I just love hearing people's life stories from those who enjoy writing. I started my blog mostly to have a quick link list to my favorite blogs. Depending on what I am reading and what it going on with me, I am at times inspired to attempt writing something of my own. I wish I was better at it though.
  3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Goodness - what age? I started off wanting to be an artist (hahahahahaha), then a teacher, then a dolphin trainer, then a teacher, then a vet, then a teacher, then a horse camp owner, then a teacher - you can see what God was trying to tell me. :) Honestly, I just wanted to work with children, and really I would love to be a wife and mother if the Lord ever allows. 
  4. If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? Well as I said, I love history, so this is hard. I have a lot of heroes. Dolly Madison ranks up there, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Dwight D. Eisenhower, the people who began the Robin Hood and Prince Arthur legends, David from the Bible, and so many others. It is hard to choose. Actually meeting the judges from the book of Judges would be awesome too.
  5. What’s your favorite joke? I don't know if I have a favorite, but one I can think of is Knock, knock - who's there - Goliath - Goliath Who? - Goliath down you looketh tired.
  6. What’s the best decision you ever made? Going to Appalachian Bible College - and actually I am hoping my decision for next year could trump that. Time will tell....
  7. If you knew you would die tomorrow, how would you live your last day? I honestly don't know what I would do, but I am sure it would involve being close to my family and dearest friends.
  8. What’s one of your favorite questions for people to ask you to get a conversation going? Well I love to talk about my class, so any question regarding my job. I also enjoy talking about my family. When I was in college, I loved to talk about home sweet home.
  9. What is the strangest experience you've ever had? I have been contacted by the police twice in the year. The first time was because my cell phone number was similar to someone who was being stalked. I guess I answered my phone one time when the stalker called me (no one responded when I answered), so the officer was trying to see if I had talked to the person. The second time was because my car was picked up on a security cam at a shopping center the day of an apparent robbery. I suppose those were some strange incidents.
  10. What have you learned today? You have not lived until you party like a preschooler!
  11. Who in your life has influenced you the most? How did they do it? I'd say my mom by her constant wisdom and guidance, and her freakish ability to always be right! I mean I know she technically is not perfect, but when it comes to the important stuff trust me - she is ALWAYS right.
 And there you have it. My 11 questions and 11 facts. Sadly, I don't know anyone to nominate for a Liebster award. However, if you would like to, I will leave 11 questions that anyone can answer in the comment section, and feel free to leave 11 random facts about yourself as well.
  1. Whether you love what you do or not  - what dream job or career would you have if you had to change jobs?
  2. What do you consider to be the perfect pet?
  3. What is your favorite movie and why?
  4. If you were shipwrecked on a deserted island, who would you want to be there with you?
  5. What is a favorite song of yours and why? (Noticed I said A favorite, see my random fact #1 ;-))
  6. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
  7. What would be your dream vacation?
  8. What is a fond childhood memory you have?
  9. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
  10. What is the coolest historical landmark you have seen?
  11. When you are feeling down or depressed, what thing can always brighten your mood no matter what?

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