Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Graduation Gown

So today after my pre-k kiddos finished their end of the year closing program, a couple of the girls tried on their graduation gowns to see if they would do the trick. Yes, it is already the time of year to be talking closing programs and graduation. As a matter of fact,  I have now been out of college for a whole entire year. What? I mean, wasn't I just trying to wrap my mind around the fact that senior year has arrived?
     This year brought a lot of new into my life. At the beginning of the school year I seem to remember blogging about how wonderful life was. I have enjoyed many of these moments immensely, but not everything has been easy. Juggling 2-3 jobs has proved difficult at times, but I believe I have finally been given the right balance. The Lord always knows just what I need. I am happy to say I will be teaching pre-kindergarten for at least one more year and working strictly with the extended day program partnership of the YMCA and a city school. I really do love the diversity and experience these situations bring me. I feel like I have seen and learned a lot this year, but I know I have only begun to scratch the surface of working with children in educational settings.
      I have also enjoyed being at home and the opportunities that brings. I feel a lot closer to my family now that I am able to be a part of all festivities. I love our schedules as we are apart enough to not get on each other's nerves too much. My extended family is the best and I didn't realize how much I was missing until I came back home. I have also reconnected with old friends and made many new friends. I also had several good and bad car experiences, but I am grateful for the freedom of my own wheels. Among all of this, I am still learning about good money management. Basically I am learning to live life in the real world, and it's going pretty well considering the big picture. This feels like one of the fastest years of my life, but then again, time does fly when you're having fun. Looking forward to seeing what year 2 brings my way!

1 comment:

  1. FREYA!! NOOO! Haha.
    That's okay, I really like Leon, and everyone knows he immortal ;) I can't believe you've been out of school for a year either!! WOW-ZER! That was a fun day your graduation day! And I am so glad that God has provided such great opportunities with work as well as at home with your family. You're doing great gal, and if people haven't told you enough I thought you should know. You are doing fantastic, this is just the beginning of God's story for you! :) Love you gal!
