Monday, April 1, 2013


I'm surprised I have never done a post like this before, for this is a topic I think a lot about. This post is about family. I could go on and on about how I have the best family ever, but no one but my own family wants to hear that. I believe family like so many other things in this world is one of those things that God places you in based on personality, experience, etc. Some days it bothers me when people say they have the best family ever because I feel like I do. That's silly though, because we're all right I think. Your family is a precious God given gift, and that my friends means it is the best. The best situation for you.

    This is why I am so passionate about the subject. I think back on all of I have been through in my life. Friends have come and gone, jobs, school, cars, etc have all done the same. I think of my closest circle of friends and each one of them could probably tell you a little bit about my history in these areas. However, family - well they could probably say something about each. My family and this includes, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins have always been there for me, and I for them. They came to my school plays, graduations, birthday parties, church functions and of course holidays. It's just cool to think about how we have all grown and changed together, but yet we are always as close as we always are.
     I am so grateful for all of my friends, but this stage of life with family is so nice. Not only are they my family, but many of them are some of my closest friends too. It is nice to share your experiences with people who love you and have always been there.
      Writing this also reminds me of my heavenly Father. Not only has He always been there, but He knows my thoughts and heart too. His guidance is precious as one who holds all of this knowledge and knows what is best for me.
     This post is very rambling, but I just love my family so much, and I am grateful for all the time we have spent together. It is nice to be reminded of the people who love and care about you and you the same for them.

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