Monday, February 18, 2013

His Coffers are Full

  Some days I find myself struggling with life. For the most part I'd like to think I am a grateful person content with my state of life. After all, I do have a wonderful family, a job that brings me great joy, another job that stretches me, good neighbors and a Bible believing church to attend. I also praise the Lord for many wonderful friends that constantly challenge me. Yet despite these good fortunes, there are times when the devil gets a hold of my heart and I complain.
   Just like the children of Israel in the wilderness, I find myself wanting more of what I do not have. God granted the Israelites their safety and freedom to enter the Promised Land just as He has blessed me with all the things I mentioned before, yet in our human nature it never seems enough.
    A few times this week I found myself in the midst of a pity party. Why did God allow a car accident to happen, why can't I find a car, why can't I get full time work, why can't I be a better teacher, why is everything always a struggle? Why, why why??? It seemed the only thing I could think about. At the same time I was frustrated because I knew there are bigger problems than my own.
    This weekend I was able to talk to a friend going through similar trials of her own. Together we discussed our need to rely on God through these difficult times in life, but I finally had my "aha" moment in church yesterday morning. There we sang the old hymn "Child of the King." The first verse says," His coffers are full, He has riches untold." The chorus follows up by stating, "with Jesus my Savior, I'm a child of the King."
   BAM! Here I am worrying about where the money for my next bill will come from when I need look no further than my own Heavenly Father. I've always said that every time things get hard, the money, the transportation or whatever is always supplied. Philippians 4:19 confirms this from God's Word. Yes, life does get hard, and I do need to do what I can to live life pleasing to God. However, He knows my needs and He has always provided. To worry and pity myself is foolish. Instead I should be thankful for the protection God gave me in my car accident. After all, it was an accident and something important I learned from. The car search may not have been fruitful yet, but that may mean God wants me to wait for a car that will meet my needs without the frustrations of a shot gun purchase. The same can be said of looking for full time work, and I certainly am learning much about becoming a better teacher in my current positions. As I trust Him and look to my King's guidance, everything else will begin to fall into place. I am already thinking of many things I can do in the absence of my pity parties.
   There may not be a Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men in my life to help me out in my time of crisis, but that's ok because I have Someone far better. My Heavenly Father and King, my God who loves me so much He sent his only Son to die for me, so I can become His child. I am a daughter of the King, a princess, and I know He will provide for my every need. This serves as a more blessed place of thought than my own self reliance.

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