Sunday, March 12, 2017

Snowy Silver Linings

"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool."

Isaiah 1:18 (ESV)

Snow seems to be one of those things that you either love it or hate it. I know it can be a nuisance. Not everyone loves having to shovel it, it isn't safe to drive in it, and many times plans must be changed or canceled all together. Sure snow is not convenient most of the time, but I must admit that I love it! I was recently asked to find the silver lining for a snow storm just as spring is about to approach, so I am going to try to present 10 reasons to argue my case.

  1.  Biblical reminder
    • Above I quoted a Bible verse from Isaiah. Whenever it snows, I find myself thinking of the sacrifice Christ made for us my shedding His blood on the cross for my sins. My heart full of sin has been covered in white because He paid the price. It is a beautiful reminder.
    • About a year ago we were hit with a snow storm and the light for our flag pole was covered with snow, but the light shined through. It reminded me that the light we find in God's love can never be hidden.
  2. Family Bonding Time
    • Growing up I have fond memories of snow days. I especially liked the snows that were so big my dad could stay home. We would work together shoveling, go sledding, make hot chocolate, eat grilled cheese and soup for lunch, watch movies together. It was an unexpected day to enjoy precious time with my families. To this day I enjoy it. A few years ago my youngest brother and I faced the elements and built a snowman together. Fun times!

  3.  Friendship and Good Times
    • Not everyone can be with their family on a snow day. Maybe you don't live with your family, or perhaps you have a job which requires you to brave the elements. I still believe snow can be fun. Maybe you can go sledding with your neighbors, or build a pillow fort with your roommate, maybe your business slows downs and allows you to enjoy time with your co-workers. I loved playing with my neighborhood friends when I was younger, and I always enjoyed snow days at college with my friends and roommates there.

  4. The joy of childhood
    • As a teacher I get to experience the joy that is found in children when it snows. They light up when they talk about it. They love to sled, build snowmen, have a snowball fight and so much more. I love watching them experience it, and I know I loved experiencing it as a child.
  5. Changing of the Seasons

    • I love living along the northeastern coast. Experiencing the changing of the season thrills me. I get to see the leaves change colors in the fall, see the flowers grow in the spring, experience the adventures to be had in the summer heat, and my year would not be complete without snow fall in the winter.

  6. Snow helps the environment
    • Snow does help moisturize the earth's surface. Farmers can appreciate this as it will help their crop grow. My mom's theory is it helps kill germs. I can't tell you for sure if this is true, but it does keep children home from school for a day or two which may help stop the spreading of germs for a little while anyway.
  7. Slow Down
    • Life is busy. Sometimes I think snow is God's way of telling us to slow down. I know not everyone can take a snow day, but many of us do. We may not like it all the time, and sometimes I must admit we have too many snow days. However, I think every now and again, we need some time to stay home and spend time with our families. No running here and there, but just staying in and enjoying what we already have.
  8. God's power displayed
    • Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork." Whether it be a thunder storm or a snow storm or anything in between, we can know we serve an all powerful God. To think, with all this power, He loves us all and sent His Son to die for us, so we can live with Him forever if we believe. What a humbling thought!
  9. Winter Sports
    • Just remember, if there was no snow, there would be no sledding, ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, etc, etc. I love the Olympics and how sad would it be if there was no winter Olympics.
  10. God knows what we need
    • Last year I had a really bad cold, but I was going to push through my second job. I wasn't sure how, but I thought I needed too. Right as I was getting ready, I get a call that don't need me because business was slow due to work. It was a God given miracle. Last month I had a horrible stomach bug. I never had to make up plans for the substitute because we had a snow day. Also I'm pretty sure that most teachers can attest to the fact that every once and while, the kids and the teachers need a break from the long winter. Snow can be a blessing in disguise if you are looking.
There you have it. Ten reasons why I love the snow! I know it isn't for everyone, and I am so grateful to the first responders, medical personnel, utility workers, snow plowers and so many others who must face the elements to help others. I also know that too much of anything can be a bad thing. We do need to work, and we all have needs which need met through our employment. I am not saying I constantly wish for a week long blizzard. I just find joy in a good solid snow or two each winter. I see it as another part of God's Creation, and I believe there can be much to be learned and enjoyed from it.
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
~ Psalm 51:7 (ESV)

1 comment:

  1. I love these thoughts, Meghan! I do miss PA snow days!
