Saturday, November 16, 2013

Reasons I'm Thankful to be a Teacher

I thought I would take a moment and blow the dust off of this blog. I have many excuses reasons for my silence of late. First of all, I have a new blog documenting my teaching adventures. Currently I am working on a Thanksgiving post from the pre-k front. So there. In my defense, I haven't completely neglected blogging. God has truly been working in my heart these last few months, but the battles feel more personal. I do share with close friends and family, but I don't feel like everything needs shared on the world wide web. With that said - I have finally found some inspiration in an area I enjoy sharing about - teaching!

This post seems appropriate considering November is the month for Thanksgiving. Of course I should be grateful everyday, but lately the blessing of being a teacher hit me like a ton of bricks. Granted, some days are really tough! Sometimes I'm struggling with personal issues, and 10 children need my help with their homework. Other days that cold virus they gave me feels like death in my dramatic mind. Then the week comes when all students declare a free from all the rules we've learned all year. The list of challenges can seem overwhelming, but I would not trade it for anything in the world. Here are some reasons I am thankful that God called me into teaching (in no particular order):

  1. Laughter - They say laughter is the best medicine. These kids keep me smiling day in and day out. Even on days when their behavior could send me over the edge, they at least have style in delivery. I really have to check myself to be sure I am not reinforcing negative behavior, because some days it is so hard not to laugh. From answers to questions, reactions to the opposite gender, stories from home and sometimes just plain old innocence - these kids keep a constant smile on my face. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you may have some idea of what I am talking about.
  2. Challenges - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Parts of my 2 jobs in education settings make me feel inadequate. Some days I almost find myself questioning why God placed me there, yet I feel so blessed that He did. Both worlds have taught me so much, and God has given me such a compassion for people I never would have thought about working with before. I can see a great change in my approach to teaching the 2nd time through than the first. I believe this to be a good sign as I should always be growing and changing for the better in whatever I do. I also continue to see I have so much to learn, but the Lord has been my guide through every step of the way, and I know He will continue to do so.
  3. Working with Kids - All my life I have always wanted to work with kids. Ever since I was a child myself, I've enjoyed holding babies and playing with the younger crowd. As much as I would love to be a wife and mother - that isn't in the cards for me right now. God has bigger and better plans than I could imagine for myself. As I pray and try to seek His direction in what all that may entail, He has me in a wonderful set up right now. It hit me driving home one day that I am daily exposed to 100+ kids daily. That's a huge responsibility when it comes to making a difference. These aren't just kids I am passing on the street. These are children under my care, my teaching and if nothing else - my example. That thought can be overwhelming, but for someone who wanted to work with children - the Lord sure did bless me. Not only do I have my own students, but I have been able to visit with my mom's class as well as teaching Sunday School and serving in the church nursery. It may not be mothering, but it's a joy to serve in this capacity.
  4. Enjoying the Small Things - Now that I am a teacher, I realized I lost the wonder of childhood somewhere along the way. Obviously this comes with growing up, but teaching has brought some of the wonder back. Lately my computer backgrounds have something to do with the theme I'm teaching - apples, pumpkins, leaves, holidays, etc. Recently driving through the countryside and seeing the various pumpkin stands brings a smile to my face. I have a hard time going into a store and staying away from the holiday aisles to see what could be used for a learning center. I spend my weekends dying noodles and making play dough. I do it for the kids, but I cannot deny that I have a ton of fun preparing these lessons for them. I wouldn't call myself a total Pinterest addict, but I do enjoy searching for adorable things to do with my kids. I love decorating the classroom which spreads into decorating my house. I enjoy baking, crafting and many other things simply because it brings joy to my students.
  5. Camaraderie - Friendships are something to be cherished. The Lord blessed me with many wonderful friends throughout the year. However, there is an extra special connection with my teaching friends. Those friends all teach different age groups and subjects, but I like to say we all have the same stories with differing levels of cuteness. It's wonderful to share student teaching experiences, field experiences, college courses, and now that some of us are into our careers, we can share about the struggles and victories each day. I love all my friends dearly, teachers or not, but I am thankful for that special connection that being a teacher brings.
  6. Stories - One of these days I will be off on my own, but for now I am living with the parents. It really is awesome with my mom being a kindergarten teacher. Awesome for us anyway. The men in our house would probably disagree. My youngest brother has a death glare that could kill when we get started, but it is so awesome to come home and share about our day. Pre-K and K are fun ages, and we always have something fun to share. I also cherish the advice my mom gives when I come home with a problem. Her wisdom from all her years of experience is a wonderful treasure.
  7. The Bible - I have the blessing of teaching a Bible lesson at the preschool. Some of the children are not always exposed to the love of Christ. It's such a blessing to share with them. I love to see how fast they absorb the lessons and see it in use in their daily life. Hearing these precious children sing praises to God melts my heart every time. I look forward to sharing the true meaning of Christmas with them in the weeks to come. Learning about both thanks and giving is already proving a blessing.
Wow! I feel like I should go for an even 10, but the inspiration is running dry. I could think of many more reasons, if I didn't have to wrap this up right now. Lots of blessings packed in that list, but lots and lots of responsibility. Honestly, I run short many days. I could certainly do a better job, but this is life. Instead of focusing on my failings, I need to pick myself up, look at the blessings, and rely on the Lord to do a better job. I'm still praying about what is next in life, but until then I will be thankful for all that I have.

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