Friday, March 1, 2013

Many Oneths

       I guess I could start out by saying the most recent "oneth" of life is hearing one of my pre-kers substitute the term first for oneth. Never a dull moment with those kiddos. Honestly, this year has been full of may firsts. Obviously I have experienced the joys of my first teaching positions. The Lord also blessed me with various ministry opportunities in my home church. A few road trips and various family outings also bring new experiences to add to that list of oneths. Overall, life has been good, but I've also been learning a lot through first time experience.
      It would be great to say that all these firsts in life have been terrific. From previous blog posts it may seem like my life is near perfect and I'm enjoying every single moment. This could not be far from the truth. I have felt the frustrations that come with teaching such as the feeling of lost classroom control. I also have experienced a couple negative driving experiences, and as always - there are my everyday human failures that affect family and friend relationships. I don't want it to seem as if life is all bleak and I'm miserable, but it would be unrealistic to paint a perfect picture of my life.
       Through all my short comings God is still God, and just as any good Father would, He always seems to have a loving lesson to teach me. It may not be an easy lesson to learn, and I may not get it right away. I would say the greatest lesson I have learned recently is patience. I can be one of those people that needs to go-go-go all day. This causes rushing and impatience on my part. Through these recent failures of mine, I've been learning to breathe a little more. I find that when I act as if I have all the time in the world, things get done timely AND in order. I still find myself rushing through life at times, but it truly is getting better. I know they say you shouldn't pray for patience, but I feel like this is one of the most beneficial lessons of my life so far. Taking time and enjoying these life moments give me the chance to love more deeply and live more purely. I still have many many short comings, and so much in my life needs changing. After all no one ever stops learning or growing in life. My heart is truly thankful for this lesson in patience the Lord has seen fit to teach me. My prayer would be it shapes me into a better teacher, daughter, sister, friend and most importantly a woman after God's own heart.

1 comment:

  1. "Taking time and enjoying these life moments give me the chance to love more deeply and live more purely". I LOVE that quote! I love the idea of transforming deeper and purer in every aspect of my relationship with God. This is a calming and challenging post, but challenging in the best way. Praying for you gal!
