Monday, October 17, 2011

Senior Year...What?

So this week I have been reflecting on my college career. It is going by much too fast, and I have finished the first quarter of senior year. Between projects, holidays and breaks, I will be back for second semester student teaching before I know it. God has been so good as always through this semester. He has given me strength to stay diligent and has provided new and exciting opportunities. I am just loving senior year!

As far as student teaching goes, right now I know I will be teaching at Wood County Christian School in the 6th grade - yikes! I always imagined myself teaching 2nd grade or below, but I'll roll with it. Everything else about the experience has been orchestrated so nicely, so I believe that God will be with me for this new challenge. The unknown actually has me quite excited which is much better than stress. I am excited to be living with a family I know of in their loft. The mother of the family works at the school so my ride is provided. I am really looking forward to updating about this experience once it arrives.

School has been amazing like I said. My friend, Sarah, got to come and visit me. It was a short yet wonderful stay. Rooming with Melanie has been a lot of fun. I give her a hard time, but it is nice to have a good friend around. The hardest about leaving for student teaching will be saying goodbye to my church down here. They are wonderful and I will miss them! So many other experiences I could report about if I was better at this whole blogging thing, but oh well.

Right now, I am starting to feel inspired about some upcoming lesson plans and I'm listening to Christmas music of all things. It is a beautiful relaxing feeling, and I can't wait to see where this journey will lead. It's been a wild ride, but I'm thankful for every minute of it.


  1. So great to hear about how God is working in your life!! It's all so exciting... keep holding onto Him :-) have a blessed day xx

  2. Thanks Lisa! It has been exciting!
